Friday, June 29, 2012

I am sorry for not posting this week.  My aunt passed away on Monday morning so I have had a hard time getting onto the computer.  Today was the first day I have been on.  Its been tough with weight loss when people are feeding you food.  But I have only gained a few pounds from this week but I intend on getting back to work this weekend.

My garden is doing rather well.  But I have a plethra of yellow squash and zucchini.  But that seems to have calmed down for now.  The pumpkins are growing and there are cobs forming on the corn plants.  Waiting paitently for the green tomatoes to turn red. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Well this week has been a struggle.  The pain on my toe is back but I have to wait another week before going back to the dr.  Makes it hard to walk but I am going to deal with it.  Tomorrow is Relay for Life.  We will be walking for those who have had to deal with a lot more pain than just my simple wart.  So needless to say my weight loss has been an issue this week.  I am going to really have to put my foot down on myself and get back onto that wagon.  This up coming week my husband and I have planned to a 6 mile hike one morning.  I know I can do it.  Just have to remember to bring water with me as it is suppose to be in the 90's this week.  We are going early in the morning while its still cool but it will be a trek for me.  I will report how the walk goes. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Recipe Monday!!!

Mexican Chicken

4 skinless boneless chicken breasts
1 jar of salsa
1/4 colby jack cheese shredded

Preheat oven 350 degrees

1. place chicken in a 9x13 casserole dish
2. pour the salsa over the chicken
3. cover with foil and bake for 30 mins
4. remove from oven and sprinkle cheese over the top.  Put back into oven until the cheese is melted
5. Remove and enjoy with a side salad

Friday, June 15, 2012

Well today marks the first week of my blog.  I ended this week with a new pant size.  This has made me feel like all this hard work I have been doing is worth something.  But with all my good news comes sad news.  A friend from high school has passed away.  He was 41 years young.  To young to leave this world.  G-d Speed Todd.  May the angels welcome you into G-d's loving arms. 

I have had several good days this week food wise.  I was just able to start walking again as I had a wart removed from my toe.  Walking and swimming are two of my favorite summer things to do.  They help with the weight loss a lot. Now that the toe is better I am able to do both of these things.  Yay me!! 

I put on a bathing suit for the first time since last summer and have noticed my weight loss in the way I look in it.  I am hoping to get down another size before the big day in July but that will take a lot of work and dedication and I intend on getting there. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Todays weight loss tip!!!

Drink 5- 32oz cups of water a day and don't eat anything after 8pm. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Recipe Monday!!!!
Todays recipe is:
      Turkey Burgers

1 lb of ground Turkey
1/2 onion grated (Make sure you keep the liquid)
1 stalk of celery finely diced
a pinch of salt and pepper
1 T olive oil

Combine all ingredients together just until they are incorporated
Preheat an indoor grill or frying pan. Form the meat mixture into 4 patties.
Right before you put the patties on put the olive oil in the pan.  Put all 4 patties onto the grill or into the pan and cook for about 8 mins on each side.  Cook over medium heat.  Turkey is a meat you have to make sure its done completely.  So test to make sure its completely done.

Serve with a mashed avocaodo spread over the top for a very yummy buger and a side salad. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Well today I have to post.  I was able to start walking again.  I have to start slow as I just had a plantars wart frozen off on Friday.  That stupid thing has slowed my walking down.  I am pushing through so that I can walk/jog a 5K on Saturday morning with my son.  It felt great to be able to do that today.  Worked in the garden like I do on a daily basis while doing my rain dance.  I just wish it would rain.  I am anxious to start getting fresh veggies from all of my hard work.  I will post some pictures once I start having veggies growing.  Don't forget tomorrow is Recipe Monday. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The journey begins

On May 1st, 2012 I began a weight loss journey with 5 women.  My goal is to loose a set amount by the end of the challenge.  But its become more than just the challenge to me.  Its a complete life style change and the way I view food.  My husband has joined me on this journey.  We are doing this for different reasons but the ultimate reason is to be healthy.  This blog will allow me to post what I am making for dinners as well as tips that I have learned through my weight loss journey. 

My goal at the beginning was to loose two dress sizes by my sons Bar Mitzvah in July.  I am well on my way there. One little step at a time.  The next goal is to be able to sit in the bleachers at our college football games and be comfortable.  Baby steps but will be worth it in the end.

I will be posting a recipes that have helped me in the weight loss and tips.  Many of the ideas are simple and basic but that is what works for me.  I have developed my own plan as we can't afford the commercial plans.  With one child in college, one in junior high and one in preschool our money is tied up in our children.  My kids mean the world to me.  Those who know me know my other love besides my family is Disney.  Being able to go to Disney and sit comfortably in the rides and such would be wonderful.  So sit back and follow me through this journey.  Soon what I used to look like will just be a Figment of your Imagination!!! 

I will post to this blog on Fridays and Mondays.  Look for great recipes on Mondays and updates on Fridays.